Two people connecting using WeToca Rocks


Touch, without boundaries.
WeToca enhances communication at distance, through touch.
Handmade experience, made by you for your loved ones.

WeToca is a product that looks at the building and maintaining of emotional bonds between friends, family and loved ones in a way that current social media cannot. By using the sensation of ‘touch’, WeToca creates meaningful moments which mimic those of real life.

Two people in different places holding WeToca Rocks to experience a meaningful connection at distance.


During the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, many young adults were forced to remain far from friends, family and loved ones for months on end. This event weighed heavily on the connections between users and their families or close friends.

After analysing the results of a broad investigation we conducted within that group of people, we recognised that communication at a distance involves several challenges.

Many people found that the traditional social media forms, messaging or video calling, were a far cry from real-life interactions – significant elements were missing that made these communications ‘empty’ or ‘generic’.

Collage of different pitcures of home activities of people living alone. Some sentences are reported. "There are days where I just feel tired." "I missu the rituals with other people". "You meet a person, you sense him." "I feel like my whole likfe was just cancelled." "I want to cross through the screen."

We understood that it was crucial to reduce the difference between remote communication and in-person communication. We focused both on mimicking elements of human interaction and linking people together by making them experience similar things.

Emotionally, our needs are similar but how do we take into account the diversity? We identified three key ‘bonding’ interactions that are vital for keeping close connections.

A couple hugging.


A couple in the bed. She puts her head on his chest to feel his heartbeat.

Head on chest

Two peoples' hands caressing each other.


We designed WeToca so people can choose what works best for them. We did not want to limit the experience to one type of physical interaction.

WeToca aims to mimic these three key ‘bonding’ interactions. Each of these connections is designed for different levels of intimacy so that the product can be used to maintain different types of bonds. 

The physical design of WeToca takes inspiration from rocks, using the connection between humans and nature to encourage our users to truly experience the sensations. 

WeToca Rocks and Base are positioned on a table next to a plant and a phone with the WeToca App installed. The Rocks are very similar to natural pebbles.

WeToca system

This system consists of two main components: The WeToca Rocks and the WeToca App. The rocks are the main element as they allow to remotely experience and share the “touch” form of communication. The application works as an enabler for the experience, allowing users to connect with their bonds. WeToca allows two forms of communication – Live Connection and Touch Messages. This allows WeToca to fit seamlessly into everyday life, and suit the needs of every user.

two people holding WeToca Rocks during a live connection

Live connection

A girl holding a WeToca Rock to record a touch message

Touch message

WeToca can be used alongside external voice or video calls to enhance your experience, or simply on its own, to really build a deeper connection. In order to reduce the user’s reliance on their phone, the product communicates with the user with a lighting system and through the app. 

The Rocks

WeToca Rocks are designed to mimic the three key ‘bonding’ interactions we found from our research. In order to simplify the user experience, each rock allows the experience of just one kind of interaction. The user can easily choose the preferred one by picking up one rock from the Base.

The 3 WeToca Rocks

Hug Rock

The Hug Rock lets you experience the warmth of a hug from a friend using temperature to provoke your senses mimicking the feeling of a hug. This sensation promotes feelings of comfort, love and appreciation. When you embrace the rock, the pressure you exert will be measured to allow your loved one to experience this unique hug through a glowing warming sensation with their Hug Rock.

A girl is holding the Hug Rock in her hands

Beat Rock

The Beat Rock is designed to mimic the key experience of resting your head on the chest of a loved one – feeling their heartbeat. This sensation promotes feelings of safety, security and affection. When you hold the rock to your chest, your heart beat will be measured through your fingers. This will allow your loved one to experience your unique beat through a vibrating sensation with their Beat Rock.

A girl is holding the beat rock on her chest

Tickle Rock

The Tickle rock is designed to imitate the feeling of caressing between two people, creating a sense of intimacy. This rock sits comfortably on your wrist – one of your most sensitive areas. It will sense your touch on the top surface of the rock and recreate this unique sensation with vibrations on the wrist of your loved one using their Tickle Rock.

A girl is touching the Tickle Rock positioned on her wrist

The Rock’s base

In order to keep the rocks small, a Bluetooth connection is formed and maintained through the base. Using wireless charging and electromagnetic sensors the base can provide the key to creating a seamless interaction between the rocks, the app and your connections.​

The Base is connected via a wired connection to a power source. It is the hub to power the rocks and provides a connection between the rocks and your app. 

The WeToca Base with the three Rocks

The App

WeToca App is designed to enhance meaningful interactions. The app emphasise each bond per se, giving space to the differences in the relationship, and not making it to disappear in a phone book.

An hand holding a smartphone with the WeToca app opened. In the homescreen of the app, 2 notifications are visible. Both James and Steven have sent a touch message to Andrew.

Watch your relationships develop

The past interactions are arranged in a flower shape for each bond. This pattern is unique and express the difference in the relationship. Petals filled with colour are unexperienced touch messages.

WeToca profile graphic. Behind the profile picure, there is a flower shape made with rocks outlines. There is a filled petal, corresponding to an unexperienced hug.
WeToca profile graphic. Behind the profile picure, there is a flower shape made with rocks outlines.

Touching on the flower in the profile page, makes it to explode and reveal all the petals. The connection history page is designed to give importance to each interaction.

Easy, yet memorable navigation

Inspired by nature. Each navigation has its meaning. Changing page is as simple as swiping. Moving the fingers on the water allows the user to scroll through the bonds. It is possibile to pin the closest bonds to the home screen, for quick access. The app is designed for few, more intimate relationships. Haptics increases the link with the rocks.

Distraction-free experience

The application guides the user during the experience of Touch Messages or Live Connections. As soon as the experience starts, WeToca communicates with the user with a lighting system, and so the app just provides a supplement with essential information. The pages are designed to provide a calming sensation and increase the focus on the connection.

The team

The transdisciplinary in our team made WeToca something unique and designed from the bottom of our hearts.

We aim to help people like us, that due to different circumstances have left their home and started a new life away from their loved ones.

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